
Earn Income and Token BTCZ

When you buy our music, you already have a link to refer other buyers. By referring your friends through your referral link, and the friends you refer buy our music, you will get a 15% commission from the purchase value and also get 10% of the tokens that the buyer gets.

15% Commissions

10% Bonus Token BTCZ


We do not partner with any music brand name, nor do we promote any artist or singer. All of our music and songs are produced by ourselves, all artists and singers are our team.

No. All products that have been purchased, be it music tracks, singles or albums cannot be returned. After you have purchased and verified, you can download the product you have purchased. So, everything you have purchased is final.

Yes of course, every purchase of music from us, will get a bonus of 10% of your purchase value. The bonus is BTCZ Coin that you can trade in the market.

BTCZ is a coin or Token that we created through the Solana Blockchain network. BTCZ is specifically created as a reward or bonus for every purchase of our products, especially music. We give BTCZ bonuses to buyers and affiliates. BTCZ can be traded.

Affiliate Bonus is a bonus that you get when there is a member or downline that you directly sponsor to buy our products, be it music tracks, singles or albums. The amount of the affiliate bonus is 15% of the product price plus 10% BTCZ earned by the buyer. Affiliate bonuses can be withdrawn at any time you want, with a minimum of 2.50 USDT.